30 outubro 2008

A ler [actualizado já depois dos comentários]

Rogério Santos sobre esta entrevista a Chris "Cauda Longa" Anderson (e, já que estamos nos gurus, "Fechem os jornais")

[act.: Revenue Crisis: Here Come The Pro Accounts: Sorry Chris, but free is out again.

Thank economy-wary investors like Sequoia Capital, which terrified its portfolio of startups with a "RIP Good Times" earlier this month. Startups "need to become cash flow positive," Sequoia declared. They must recognize the "need for profitability." "Cash is king."

Sequoia isn't the only VC firm preaching the precepts of profit, so startups are starting to return to a business concept many thought had faded into the past -- asking customers to pay for things. Namely: Pro accounts, plus accounts, premium features, enterprise editions, and white label versions.]