28 agosto 2008

Ainda o Peer Review

Incompetence Tops List of Complaints About Peer Reviewers: Incompetence by their reviewers was the most common problem reported by scientists who submitted manuscripts to scholarly journals. Almost two-thirds voiced that beef in a survey administered to scientists employed by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

Perceptions of Ethical Problems with Scientific Journal Peer Review: An Exploratory Study

Peer reviewing: privilege and responsibility: Peer review is a central tenet in research across all disciplines. It is a key feature in monitoring the advance of knowledge, especially in academic publishing. This article investigates the development of peer review from the seventeenth century to the present, and analyses significant aspects of the process. It also attempts to clarify some criticisms and make suggestions about the role of peer review in the current climate.

Who Profits When You Publish? Take a closer look at how your work is distributed, and for how much.