20 março 2008

Para quem acha que o jornalismo de papel está em extinção:

Death of print? News International unveils 'biggest printing plant in the world': the latest in automated printing technology would give journalists later deadlines and editors greater freedom in redesigning pages. [...]
James Murdoch, the chairman and chief executive of News Corp’s Europe and Asia division, said the investment “should be ample answer to those who believe the business of journalism, in print, is a business for yesterday’s readers, not tomorrow’s."
He continued: “At News, we believe that print will continue to be a driving force, even as we expand in this connected age.”

Murdoch's presses prove there's plenty of life left in the printed word: Newspapers are dead or dying, we are told. Why, then, is Rupert Murdoch, the most successful media proprietor in the world, investing £650m in state-of-the-art presses to print the Sunday Times, Sun, Times and News of the World?