21 janeiro 2005


Bloggers' newest power: rating Super Bowl ads: Market research company Intelliseek will be monitoring the blogosphere for the buzz on Super Bowl ads to give their clients instant feedback on their ad extravaganzas. Intelliseek, a Cincinnati company that owns blogpulse.com, also will set up a panel of 50 to 100 bloggers to offer comments on ads during the game for its clients.

When Bloggers Make News: As Their Clout Increases, Web Diarists Are Asking: Just What Are the Rules?

What do YOU call your blog? The top word, used in 9.986 percent of the blogs surveyed was "blog." The next most popular, at 2.619 percent, is "life." Here's the top 10 words in a blog's name:
1. blog - 9.986%
2. life - 2.619%
3. weblog - 1.841%
4. world - 1.296%
5. from - 1.226%
6. journal - 1.139%
7. news - 1.087%
8. thoughts - 1.039%
9. with - 0.670%
10. daily - 0.660%