19 novembro 2003


Magazines Face Reader Erosion, Two Out Of Three Titles Experience Declines: As if U.S. magazine publishers didn't have enough to worry about, now they're also experiencing eroding readership. Magazine readership among major consumer magazines measured by Mediamark Research Inc. (MRI) declined 1.9 percent between the fall of 2002 and just-released estimates from MRI's fall 2003 survey. [...]
Magazines in the newsweekly category, which includes Newsweek, Time and U.S. News & World Report, experienced some of the worst readership erosion (-7.2 percent) followed by travel (-6.6 percent) and men's magazines (-5.2%).
Pay for Magazine Pros Remains Disappointing : While the job market in magazines is picking up, pay in the field isn't increasing. In fact, it still may be down as much as 10% to 20% from three years ago. [...]
"The exception is the really star people, who are still getting their rates, if you want to take them out of their current jobs, and they are in a good place," she says. Bonuses linked to some combination of company, publication and job performance also have become more prevalent for editors, says [Karen Danziger, executive vice president of the Howard-Sloan-Koller Group, a New York-based search firm].