29 outubro 2003


Novidades da blogosfera:
Blogs Emerge As Hot New Ad Medium, Albeit With Trepidation: When popular new media formats emerge it usually doesn't take long for advertising to follow, so it's not surprising that the rapid proliferation of Web logs - a.k.a blogs - is establishing a new advertising marketplace.
Le [blog] Mr Peer est à louer du vendredi 7 novembre au soir jusqu’au mardi 11 novembre au soir.
The Inquirer Guide to Blogging: Can blogging really change the world as we know it? Of course not, but with blogging users growing by about 100 per year there is good reason to believe that this fast-food form of online publishing is about to come of age.
The Blog Fuhrer: Blogs on the whole represent a freeflow movement of human minds and that is a good thing, but Blog Fuhrer creep is also visible, with people who wear the crown jewels of industry expertise are prepared to put a trademark or make a silo out of free expression, create ideology out of software points or integrate it with their cosmetic branded personas and in so doing, not realize that the technology industry is becoming its own island rather than serving customer needs by integrating all four points of the technology compass. This industry does not want to change the world, it just wants to change technology.
Stand-Up Tragedy: pela primeira vez em Portugal, um projecto de teatro tem o seu próprio blog