08 abril 2003

War toll: journalists killed [8], detained [5] or missing [5] in Iraq
Morreu um dos cinco feridos no bombardeamento ao Hotel Palestina: Um dos quatro jornalistas feridos hoje no bombardeamento do hotel Palestina, em Bagdad, morreu em consequência dos ferimentos sofridos
[act.:] Reuters man killed in US attack [e o da TeleCinco também]: The US 3rd Infantry commander, General Buford Blount, admitted today that an American tank fired a single round into the hotel after receiving rifle and rocket fire.
However, journalists on the ground and at central command in Qatar have expressed incredulity at the US military's claims that snipers were operating from the hotel.
[act.:] US denies deliberately targeting Al Jazeera: Al Jazeera's presenter accused the US military of "deliberately targeting" its offices and recalled that the station's Kabul bureau had been hit in November 2001 during the US-led assault on the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.
[Questão: o que estaria agora a suceder (nos media, na guerra e na política) se tivesse sido fogo iraquiano?...]